Monday, January 24, 2011

Thank you ALL

First of all, Thank you everyone who came to the meeting. It was nice to meet everyone in person. I have to say that I am very excited to start this project and can't wait to jump into my Director's costume again. As discussed in the meeting, I have started a blog, to keep everyone in the loop with Pre-Production steps of this project.

Last night, we talked about the story a little bit, discussed locations, timings, wardrobe, food, cold weather, professional behaviour and safety on the set. I also asked you guys to email me your schedules by tomorrow, Please email me ASAP, so we can make a solid schedule and figure out where we need who, as we are entering the "Production" part of the project. We are still working some kinks out on the script, storyboard and working on to find our last location "Jack's Apartment". Once the script is done, it will go through an editing process which could take up to 48 hours but after that it will be available to you. Storyboards are also in the process, we will knock them out as soon as possible too. As far as our last location is concerned, we have couple spots in mind, we will check them out and let you know what happens.

Once again, Thank you all for coming and I am looking forward to an exciting mobster-ish adventure. Please email me: OR if you have any quick questions or concerns, give me a call.

***Tropic Thunder poster has nothing do to with our movie, I just wanted to have a movie related picture with my text***
Fawad -